Hi Im Leanna!! Im the breeder behind Snows Doxies
I have always loved dogs since a young child.
We had recieved our first dachshund puppies when i was a young girl,
They were identical boys Rusty and Dusty i absoutley fell in the with them. when i got a little older i got my very own a red piebald we named him Chester i found him in the news paper no photo just said dachshund puppies i went and traveled to Chester illinois (yes we named him after the town) to meet his breeder when i picked him up i was alarmed i thought he would be your typical red smooth dachshund he was red and white like a beagle like he was mixed with another breed she told me his pattern was piebald i never would have guessed that dachshunds came in oher patterns . Well i took him home he was the sweetest boy unfortunately we didnt have him very long after being stolen from us so I went out on a search to find one identical to him and i found Luke he was so beautiful one that i had never seen before he had long hair and was red and white piebald also he looked like a stuffed animal so cute Im still friends with his breeder to this day after 10 years we have grew and learned so much in our journey together if only we were closer!! I have quickly learne over those 10 years that quality, health and temper are so important when breeding. We have made alot of mistakes over the years and had alot of heartaches and tears as its never an easy thing expecially when your dealing with emergancies and situations are not what you had hoped for. The reason i do this is for the familes that these puppies have brought joy in their lives like the joy that i recieve from raising these puppies I have never felt so accomplished with anything, as i became more aware of the standard of the breed i wanted to show thats when i got Brystol a russian import she flew all the way to the states this dog was the most perfect dog she was smart well tempered and wellI had to learn what i needed to show her so i found a conformation class and we drove 45 mins every Wednesday night and learned together on how to become a handler and a show dog together she was an absolute godsend she loved it and after we were ready we showed her in many UKC shows she took 2nd in group and eventually became a champion with the UKC i couldnt have been more proud of this dog we worked so hard togther that is when I relized this is my purpose and my joy in life these memories I'll cherish forever sadley after my youngest son was born i had to take a break from the show world but i will never forget the memories that i got to create with Brysol after a tough delivery we made the hardest desion to spay Brystol and put her in her forever retirement home she went to be with Nyx a past puppy and she also adopted her daughter and they went togther now she soaks up all the attention but like i was saying the meomries i get to create with my children and the new familes and people we get to meet when adding them into the snows doxies family is the best feeling. I love that i get to share a love with this breed with so many others.